Born in 1995 in the U.S and raised in Argentina, I grew up in contact with nature, frequently traveling around the Province of Buenos Aires and the far south in Patagonia. I started developing my artistic curiosity as a youngster painting landscapes, and later experimented with sound, recording alternative music. While studying subjects like art history, cinema, literature and anthropology during my years at College, I begun looking for significance in the complex world of images that surrounded me. As an adult I had the opportunity to be a student of renowned film directors like Werner Herzog and Lucrecia Martel, who inspired me to follow filmmaking as a way of life, embracing the visions that came out of personal and collective experiences in Peru and Barcelona.
I then worked extensively in crafting music videos in collaboration with many young musicians, helping them find their visual identity through modern aesthetics and entertaining stories. On my most intimate side, the search has always been going towards finding poetry in everyday life situations. I am moved by contradictions, gray areas and opposing forces as the raw materials for my current and future investigations. Whether it's nature & technology, reality & fantasy or science & religion, I always find the purpose in finding the mechanisms to understand the overlapping of two (or more) different worlds. My short film 'Deconstruction From Venus' which won prizes from Straight 8 and FECIMU, and was screened at 11 other festivals around the world, explores the question about how modern architecture has been mirroring our way of thinking and where it might go in the future. My latest short film, 'COUN7RY' is a comedy set in a gated community which plants a social critique around the differences of class and the struggle of parents educating teenagers.
I made my debut in the film industry working as a PA on a documentary feature about María Luisa Bemberg, my great grandmother who was both a feminist and film pioneer in Argentina, with an outstanding filmography between the 70's and the 90's. Working in this project gave me a sense of responsibility in continuing film tradition, spreading her legacy and understanding the cultural challenges of the 21st Century. As I get deeper into this demanding and exciting path, I'm getting to know more and more people from all kinds of backgrounds and getting to travel around different regions. I lived in New York for two years, where I mostly worked filming theatre and fashion. More recently I had the great opportunity to be director of photography of a Freediving documentary, filming below 25 meters under the Caribbean Sea.
While broadening my knowledge of the world I also make an effort to keep the essence of my first impressions as a child, which I think are extremely valuable to spark imagination and curiosity in the present.
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